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                                                    UHU ACTIVITY 4

                                               (Creation of The UHU Flag)

Create The UHU Flag symbolizing the "Peaceful Uses of Outer Space" in support of

Accomplishing all the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while maintaining the Peace by "Uniting All Humanity" throughout the entire universe starting from the Earth/Moon and the rest of the outerspace. 

- Two UHU Flag recommended options (among other options) created by the UHU Society utilizing NASA space photos have been presented at The 1st UN Conference on Space Law and Policy Conference(*) held in Moscow, 2018. They are shown in the enclosed ATT photo album as follows: 

Option (1):  The UN Symbol is surrounded by The Milky Way and The Andromeda Galaxies  

Option (2):  The Earth with the Moon are surrounded by The Milky Way and The Andromeda Galaxies






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