Cultivate and educate all nations and their people to protect this Special World, particularly our “Earth” and the surrounding space, which came to exist after the universe was born and eventually enabling each of our precious existence by supplying clean air, good environments, and creating beautiful mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, oceans, and deserts while miraculously maintaining the very precise and consistent circulation around the Sun at the right distance and angle, together with the Moon, for many billions of years.
Mission 2
We shall protect our special and beautiful Earth which miraculously came to exist after the Universe was born circulating around the Sun while rotating itself at the right distance and the angle for many billions of years creating mountains, forests, rivers, oceans and eventually us, humanity, under the sky filled with fresh air while celebrating with a set of musics, “We are living in this beautiful World”recorded in a CD (See Support UHU page)
Let us sing “the UHU Anthem” which celebrates the miracle that all of us came to exist and are living together in peace and harmony on this beautiful Earth as the results of many billions of wondrous events ever since this universe was born with Big-Bang that happened many billions years ago in support of the “UHU Mission 2”