Mission 2
Mission 2
Pictorial Illustration of "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle"
Each of Us is a Special and Miracle Person who came to exist from the Same Ancestor Families through many Billions Years of Wondrous Processes ever since our Universe was born with the Big-Bang billions of years ago; As such, all of us must respect and protech each other to enjoy each of our precious lives.

1st organisms came to exist approx. 3.5 billions yrs ago then many living things came to exist
Milky Way galaxy came to exist approx.13.6 billions yrs ago
The Solar System & Earth came to exist approx. 4.5 billions yrs ago
The Universe was born with Big Bang approx. 13.8 billions yrs ago
Human species came to exist approx. 1.9 millions yrs ago
​UHU Activity 1
We must promote and convince all nations and their people worldwide to embrace "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle". Namely, each person must be protected regardless of their sex, race, mental/physical/financial condition, sex orientation, and religious/political belief as explained in the Philosophy-Science book , “The World of the United Humanity of the Universe and Its Fundamental Doctrine” (See Support UHU page)

We shall educate and convince all the nations and their people of the world that "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle" must be the highest priority to unite all humanity in the era of still divided world with differences in "politics, religion, race, gender, sexuality, and many other reasons" with easily available advanced and mass destructive weapons. In fact, we must take advantage of those worldwide instant networking opportunities and rapidly expanding exploration & utilization of the vast Universe to unite all humanity to live together in peace and harmony forever.