A Letter from the former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation Pete Buttigieg
From: Pete Buttigieg <info@wintheera.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020
To: Henry Nagano <ceo@uhu.world>
Subject: Thank you
Hi Satoshi,
Earlier today I stood on stage with President-elect Biden, where I was humbled to be nominated to serve our nation as Secretary of Transportation.
Of course, as I look forward to taking on this new challenge, I can’t help but reflect for a moment on the road we’ve traveled together -- and to feel a deep sense of gratitude for this community of supporters.
Whether you joined back when we were four people working out of a tiny office in downtown South Bend or signed up last week -- to everyone who has been a part of this effort, talking to your family and friends, posting on social media, or chipping in when you could -- I want to say thank you.
Through it all, we’ve stuck to our Rules of the Road -- and Chasten and I are so grateful for the kindness you’ve shown to us at each step. You’ve proven that a politics built around who we can call to our side, where everyone can find belonging, isn’t just possible -- it’s here.
And I wanted you to know, Satoshi, I’m looking forward to when our paths will cross again and to seeing all the ways I know you will stay involved to help win the era to come.