Creation of UHU Anthem
Let us sing the UHU Anthem, in support of UHU Mission 2, to symbolize the importance of living together in peace and harmony in the world of "The United Humanity of the Universe (UHU)" since all of us came to exist from the same ancestor family as the results of many millions of wondrous events ever since the universe was born with the Big-Bang many billions years ago, i.e., we all must follow “A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle”.​
The Anthem of
the United Humanity of the Universe (UHU)

Among the billions of billions of stars, in this vast Universe.
A tiny planet came to exist, and life has begun.
After many millions of years, combining miracles and wondrous events.
And now, you and I are living together in this special world.
Oh, what a wonderful world this is for you and for me.
Oh, so beautiful is our world.
The mountains are blue, creeks are pristine and so clear, lands are golden and the oceans are wide and open.
I sometimes wonder, are we already living in Heaven?
I sometimes wonder, are we living here forever?
I sometimes wonder, why can’t we always live together in peace and harmony?
After all, we have been given a chance to live in this special world.
We may have to climb up mountains; we may have to cross the river.
We may have to brave the desert; we may have to sail over the Oceans.
May we have to rest in tranquil meadow?
May we have to anchor in safe harbor?
And one day we will find serenity and happiness.
Winding roads and up and down hills, we are taking a long journey.
East and West winds, North and South winds, we are taking a long voyage
Then, we finally realize, we all of us are passing space in time to the Eternity
Oh, what's a wonderful world this is for you and for me.
Oh, so beautiful world it is.