UHU Activities for Each Mission
The following is the latest list of the Activities to accomplish each of
The UHU Missions.
UHU Activity 1
We must promote "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle" to all the nations & their people worldwide, to embrace the fact that each of us is equally miracle person who came to exist from the same common modern human ancestor, Homo Erectus family originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, after the universe came to exist billions of years ago; As such, each person must be protected regardless of their sex, race, mental/physical/financial conditions, sex orientation, and religious/political belief as explained in the Philosophy-Science book, “The World of the United Humanity of the Universe and Its Fundamental Doctrine”: (Click "UHU Support" page above)
UHU Activity 2
We shall protect our special and beautiful Earth which miraculously came to exist after the Universe was born circulating around the Sun while rotating itself at the right distance and the angle for many millions of years creating such as mountains, forests, rivers, oceans and eventually us, humanity, under the sky filled with fresh air while celebrating with a set of music in a CD, “We are living in this beautiful World”
(Click "UHU Support" page above).
UHU Activity 3
Let us create and sing “the UHU Anthem” to symbolize the miracle of all of us came to exist and living together in peace and harmony as the results of many millions of wondrous events ever since this universe was born with Big-Bang that happened many billions years ago. (Click Activity 3 above)
UHU Activity 4
Let us create the “United Humanity of the Universe (UHU) Flag“ in support of peaceful explorations of the vast space by all nations for all humanity.
UHU Activity 5
Let us support the UN Peacebuilding, the UN Space 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) activities by promoting the importance of unifying all nations and their people, i.e., United Humanity of the Universe, in the rapidly expanding explorations of the space by many nations while preventing “Space Arms Race” and “Space wars” that could certainly cause catastrophic causality to all humanity while seriously damaging our special and beautiful planet, Earth, in support of the “UHU Mission 3” (Click Activity 5 Above)
Example 1: "UN Space 2030" could advance its mission to achieve “Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to unite all nations/their people.i.e., United Humanity of the Universe".
Example 2: UN SDGs and Space 2030 to focus on “Prevention of Space Force, Space Arms Race, and accidental explosions of mass destructive weapons in space" to prevent unimaginable causalities to the entire Humanity and the Earth/its Environments.
Example 3: "UN Pecebulding" committee to focus on promoting the "Peace" on this Earth and in outer space based on "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity" Principle that each and every person shall respect each other regardless of their race, sex, sexuality, political & religious belief".
UHU Activity 6 (Extension of UHU Activity 5)
Let us promote the“Theme of United Humanity of the Universe" to general worldwide audience and UN in order to help them to accomplish their mission goals such as those pursued by "The UN Peacebuilding", "The Space 2030"and "The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" in the era of rapidly advancing networking capabilities beyond the border as well as expanding outer space explorations and utilizations by international governments and commercial entities. (Click Activity 6 above)