The World of the United Humanity of the Universe (UHU) Principles
All humanity, must genuinely embrace the ULTIMATE TRUTH:
Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle (*) .
(*)Miraculous STAR for All Humanity" is the abbreviation of: (Miraculous Scientific Truth Asserting Responsibility (STAR) for All Humanity")
Namely, we shall recognize that we all came from the same family; As such, we all shall be treated equally without any discrimination regardless of races, sex, sexuality, mental/physical conditions, occupation, financial/living condition, and religious/political beliefs.
Click "UHU Missions/Mission 1" above for the illustration of "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity" Principle.
First of all, we must realize the miraculous but scientific fact that the Universe was born with the Big-Bang, over 13 billion years ago followed with the existence of numerous galaxies such as the Milky Way Galaxy carrying many stars including our Sun with a set of planets including Earth, still billion years ago.
It is also a true miracle that Earth came to exist along with its moon circling around the Sun at the right angle and distance enabling a series of numerous evolutional processes starting with tiny organisms, plants, animals, and human beings etc.
Namely, we all must recognize the existence of a Wondrous Scientific Truth that each of us is equally miracle and precious person since we all came to exist from the same family ancestors after many millions of years of wonderous evolutionary processes on this beautiful planet, Earth.
Again, "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle" will ensure that all humanity to respect & help each other regardless of their religious/political belief, gender, race, sexuality, mental, physical, or financial conditions, etc.
ln fact, the UN could use the term, "A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle", as its slogan to support and accomplish its SDGs such as those associated with Human Right missions as well as those associated with the rest of the UN Missions: Peace & Security, The Rule of Law, Development as explained in "the 1st column, of this home page, "A New and Advanced Approach for the United Nation (UN) to Truly Achieve its Human Right and the Rest of its Main Missions".
A New and Advanced Approach
Intended for the United Nation (UN) to Truly Achieve its Human Right and the Rest of its Main Missions, Worldwide
It has been over 75 years since the UN was established to unite the nations of the world, after WWII, which had caused catastrophic worldwide human casualties such as with the use of atomic bombs.
As such, we are Very Thankful to the UN for having been very proactively leading on improving human rights of the people of the world, starting with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in1948 while presently utilizing The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-OHCHR).​
Unfortunately, the post-WWII history has been filled with disastrous wars such as the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, the lengthy Afghan war and Ukraine war/conflicts as well as seemingly never-ending fighting within/among nations.
It should be noted that almost all these wars were caused by various types of Religious, Political, and Economical conflicts, etc.
Many of these types of wars/conflicts, therefore, could be prevented with very effective human rights activities by UN-OHCHR/UNHRC in the future.
​We are, therefore, proposing A Very Simple & Non-Cost but Highly Effective Approach for the UN to accomplish its Human Right Missions as follows:
Establish and promote the concept of “The United Humanity of the Universe (UHU)” (a) in support of the UN’s “Leave No-One Behind/People-Centered Human Right Mission”, and (b) by the UN catching up with the era of the rapidly advancing, worldwide digital communication & transportation and the exploration of the new World, Space.
The UHU concept above will be successfully accomplished by genuinely embracing a scientific truth: “A Miraculous STAR for All Humanity Principle”, that all of us are miracle persons who came to exist from the same ancestor families. (See the definition of “A Miraculous STAR” in the 3rd column of this home page).
The UN to create the UHU Anthem and Flag, such as based on an international student/public competition, to further unite all humanity.
Click “UHU Activities/Activity 3” webpage above for an example of the UHU Anthem.
Click “UHU Activities/Activity 4” webpage above for an example of the UHU Flag.
In summary, the UN will successfully achieve its various types of Human Rights goals by utilizing the concept of “The United Humanity of the Universe (UHU)” as explained above.
Furthermore, the UHU concept will also help to successfully accomplish the UN's activities associated with the rest of the four main missions, that are the pillars of the UN: Peace & Security, The Rule of Law, Development, and the aforementioned Human Rights Protections.
Examples: the UHU concept will help to accomplish the UN's “The Peaceful Uses of the Outer Space”, “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, and Global Warming related activities.
Benefits of the New and Advanced Approach for All Humanity and Their Nations
More effectively eliminate worldwide discrimination against any individuals and/or groups.
More effectively eliminate never ending political and/or religious conflicts & wars within and among nations. ​
More effectively prevent arms race in Space & on the Earth while avoiding accidental and/or intentional mass destruction of the Earth/Humanity such as by nuclear weapons.
More effectively address and resolve worldwide Global Warming issues, etc.
In summary, the UN can more effectively achieve many of its missions, including those listed above for the benefits of all the nations and their people without adding any major cost impacts to the UN.
We all Humanity shall be united together to enjoy peacefully living together
in this Beautiful Earth and in the Vast Universe
Activities listed in each mission are essential in order to accomplish the designated UHU Missions
for us, all humanity.
The UHU Society invites you to get involved with these activities to follow along with our journey.